2024 Ballot questions have been finalized, and the Colorado GOP needs you to familiarize yourself and share this information with as many people as possible. The two MOST egregious ballot questions are Amendment 79 (abortion) and Proposition 131 (rank choice voting).
Amendment 79, titled "Right to Abortion" has taken the extreme Democrat stance that abortion is healthcare, and worse, that it shall be funded by taxpayers. This initiative would create a Constitutional amendment that would enshrine the right to an abortion in Colorado’s Constitution. The measure would also assure that state and local public employees and Medicaid recipients are covered for abortion in their health insurance plans. Taxpayers should not have to fund the poor decisions, poor planning, and/or disregard for life that their neighbors suffer from. Healthcare payors should not be forced to cover abortion and related procedures.
We as Republicans who value life, must stand united against this measure. Amendment 79 poses significant challenges to our principles and to the values of our founding. While Colorado has become lost to the left's abortion fanatics, we will always stand for life.
The Colorado GOP has endorsed the, campaign and they need help! The campaign needs to raise $56,000 by next week to fulfill their current requested orders of door hangers and yard signs. Please consider donating below.
Senator Michael Bennet from Colorado (Democrat) calls for Biden to step down: He cannot win, he’s going to drag the rest of Democrat candidates down ticket down with him, his own party doesn’t support him Comment end , look at all the polls, he can’t sustain another 4 years.
- ONLY CITIZENS VOTE...see document links:
Senate Bill 24-210
- The Case Against Ranked Choice Voting
- Accomodations and hand outs to illegal immigrants by Polis
- Monies taken away from Veterans and Veteran services given to illegal immagrants, money, stipens, cell phones.
- Bad Dave Williams vs. Good Dave Williams (see article)
- Denver crime rate skyrocketed in 3.5 years.