Download letter from Executive Chair David Wissell
January 6, 2025
On behalf of the entire membership of the Park County Republican Central Committee (PCRCC), we want to welcome the new year of 2025, and the opportunities it presents for each of us.
Our entire team, members, and non-members alike deserve a great big THANK YOU for all the time, energy, effort, and the demanding work it required for our two (2) Commissioner candidates to be selected by our voters. The addition of Commissioner-elect Jason Gemmer, and the re-election of Commissioner Amy Mitchell, will solidify our entire Board. We will work together to apply our commitment to conservative, accountable, common sense local government.
We pulled together, regardless of our few differences of opinion, and this total teamwork push sent our message of limited government, personal responsibility and individual freedom to the residents and voters of this beautiful place. In the end, it was YOU who voted for our ticket from the Courthouse to the Whitehouse!
In 2024 our County officials were targeted for replacement by the Socialist Denver Democrats. A recent article in Colorado Politics referencing the nine (9) counties targeted for “flipping” to Democrat. Each of their efforts failed or resulted in a net loss of BLUE commissioner seats. Pueblo County flipped to RED! Park County stated their preference for our team in respect to what the other side was offering.
We must now look forward. The next election cycle is approaching fast. In 2026 a total of seven (7) County elected officials are up for election. Commissioner District #3 (my seat), Assessor, Clerk & Recorder, Coroner, Sheriff, Surveyor, and Treasurer and Public Trustee, respectively.
Our team exists to accomplish these simple goals; recruit new members and candidates, locally raise the funds and awareness of our Party and our principles, work in unison to elect our candidates, and support those once elected to Office. However, we can accomplish nothing without your help and support. Please continue to visit our website for the latest information and a new year calendar of events. We will be present at Bailey Days, Park County Fair, Burro Days, and Hartsel Days in August. We hope to see you there too.
We were all exhausted in every way at the end of the election year. We took December off and are now ready to hit the ground running in 2025!
We will have our January meeting, and then our required reorganization meeting to be held on February 12, 2025, at the Fairplay Community Center. We will be electing a new Executive Committee & Officers, for this next two (2) year election cycle. We can use volunteers in each of our thirteen (13) precincts. We need your time and energy, (and money) to help our county and country-wide cause. Colorado remains dark BLUE, but Park County remains RED because of YOU!
Again, thank you for your past support. We look forward to your support in the future. We cherish these opportunities to look forward. Elections are about looking forward. We believe with our new comprehensive team of local elected officials; we will move Park County government toward a better direction this year.
Humbly submitted;
David B. Wissel, Chairman
On behalf of the Executive Committee and the Membership, PCRCC
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