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2024 Calendar of Important Events  



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Park County Precinct Map:

Download the County and State Calendar of Important Dates Below : 
2024 Election Calendar of Important Events

The Caucus is the first step in the four-step political process in Colorado. 
See Caucus locations in Park County for Caucus March 7th, 2024.  

January 2 Last day to affiliate with Republican Party to run for elected office.

January 5 Last day to submit Election Judge application for Presidential Primary.

January 16 First day to circulate Republican party candidate petition.

January 5 Deadline to submit Election Judge application

February 16 Last day to affiliate with Party to vote and attend the Party Caucus

February 16 Last day for Chair to appoint canvass board for the Presidential Primary.

February 20 Last day for county clerks to furnish the Republican and Democratic Parties with a list of registered electors in the county who are affiliated with the Party

February 22 Election Judge training, 9AM – 3 hours minimum, BOCC board room, Fairplay

February 26 Last day to post signs for the **March 9th Party precinct caucuses.

March 5 Presidential Primary Election

March 7 Republican Caucus - Click Here To 

March 19 Last day to file Republican candidate petition

March 27 Last day for Clerk to file watcher accommodation plan for June 25 Primary Election

April 5 Multi-county assemblies, details TBD. Must file designation and acceptance documents 4 days after adjournment.

April 6 State Assembly

April 6 State Assembly Pueblo Fairgrounds Event Center, Pueblo CO. Must file designation and acceptance documents 4 days after adjournment.

April 26 Last day a county chairperson of a minor political party may certify to the county clerk an record an initial list of registered electors recommended to serve as election judges for the

April 30 Last day to submit an Election Judge application for Primary Election.

April 30 Clerk to send Election Judge acceptance letter and information to appointees. Acceptance by the Judge must be submitted within 7 days to the Clerk.

May 21 Last day for Clerk to provide Republican Chair the list of Election Judges for the June 25 Primary Election.

June 3 Last day for voters who are affiliated with a political party to change or withdraw their affiliation if they wish to vote in a different party's primary election for the June 25th Primary Election.

June 3 Last day to register to vote in the June 25th Primary Election through a voter registration drive.

June 10 Last day for major political parties to appoint members to the county canvass board for the

June 25th Primary Election

June 25th Primary Election - Voting held at your local precinct locations. 

June 13 Election Judge training, 9AM BOBB board room Fairplay

June 17 Last day for an individual to submit a voter registration application and still receive a ballot in the mail for the June 25th Primary Election.

June 25 Primary election

July 5 First day that interested parties may request and file for a recount at their own expense for the June 25th Primary Election (No sooner than 10 days or later than 22 days after election.) Clerk has 4 days to provide a cost for the recount. July 30 last day to recount.

August 7 Last day for the county clerk to submit a watcher accommodation plan for the 2024 General Election to the Secretary of State.

August 27 Last day for intergovernmental agreements to be signed by county clerks and political subdivisions.

September 6 Last day to submit Election Judge application for General Election

September 6 Last day for the designated election official of each political subdivision to certify the ballot order and content for the 2024 General Election. Each DEO must also deliver the certification to the county clerk for the 2024 General Election.

September 6 First day the county clerk or designated election official may hold election judge training for the 2024 General Election.

September 6 First day the county clerk or designated election official may hold election judge training for the 2024 General Election

September 20 Last day to file written comments concerning local ballot issues with the designated election official in order to be included in the ballot issue notice.

September 23 Last day for the designated election official to deliver the full text of any required ballot issue notices to the county clerk.

October 1 Last day for the county clerk to provide a list of election judges, including political party affiliations and assignments, if known, to each appointing party for the 2024 General Election.

October 15 Last day to register to vote in the 2024 General Election through a voter registration drive.

October 17 Election judge training 9AM BOCC board room Fairplay.

October 21 Last day for major political parties to appoint members to the county canvass board for the 2024 General Election.

October 28 Last day for an individual to submit a voter registration application and still receive a ballot in the mail for the 2024 General Election.

November 5 General Election

November 5 General Election

November 15 First day that interested parties may request and file for a recount at their own expense for the 2024 General Election. Deadline 22 days after the election. Clerk must provide a recount cost 4 days after receipt of request.

Full election calendar:

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